This is the everything-you-need-to-know-to-be-as-healthy-as-possible newsletter, brought to you by Kristy Russ, pharmacist and health consultant. I have over 17 years experience in helping people improve their health. I specialize in nutritional medicine, which is the secret of "true" preventative medicine. Yes, if I'm successful in getting people to follow my advice, I will put myself out of a job. For even more information go to
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Did You Know That Over 90% Of The Signs Of Aging Are Caused By Free Radical Damage?
That's right. OVER 90%!
Your skin is your first defense against all the toxins and radiation you're bombarded with everyday. Since it takes the brunt of the damage, it's often the first thing to show the effects of aging- like those nasty wrinkles and age spots we try so hard to get rid of!
Here's why antioxidant skin care is necessary: most of the free radical damage is the result of radiation from the sun- even the small exposure you get from going to work or running errands adds up. Click here to see how antioxidants stop free radicals. That of course makes wearing sunscreen EVERYDAY the ultimate in aging prevention. Unfortunately, the key word is prevention. By the time most of us have figured this out, a lot of the damage has already been done.
I know. I know. Where was this information a few months ago when summer was starting? Sorry- we've had such a horrible summer it didn't occur to me until last week when I was counselling a few people on what to do about their sunburns (we got a late summer this year). It's still important now, though, because even the small exposure from day to day adds up, and is actually responsible for the majority of the damage.
That's where antioxidant skin care comes in. If you can get enough antioxidants in your skin cells, free radical damage would be minimal. That would virtually stop the aging process in it's tracks. Imagine!
Beware the antioxidant claims made by most skin care companies as they try to profit from this "trend" though. It is a complex process to effectively put antioxidants into skin creams. Most companies don't bother with the expense. Since claims do not need to be substantiated, MOST (over 95%) of the products that claim to have antioxidants in them either do not at all, or they are quickly inactivated once the product has been opened.
And price is no indication of quality!!! Trust me!
Find out exactly how to evaluate antioxidant skin care products and not get ripped off by going to my antioxidants skin care products page.
And don't forget your antioxidant supplements! They're probably even more important for your skin than any cream you could put on. The antioxidant protection will be built right into the cell, where the free radical damage happens. Click here to find out more about internal antioxidants skin care products.
If you follow these recommendations, you can almost stop the visible aging process in its tracks and you'll be shocked how many comments you get about how well rested you look and how you "never age"! (That's my personal testimonial there ;-)
Because Laughter Really IS Good Medicine...

A doctor on his morning walk, noticed this lady sitting on her front step smoking a cigar, so he walked up to her and said, “I couldn’t help but notice how happy you look! What is your secret?”
“I smoke ten cigars a day,” she said. “Then, before I go to bed, I smoke a nice big joint. Apart from that, I drink a whole bottle of Jack Daniels every week, eat only junk food and don’t exercise at all.”
“That is absolutely amazing! How old are you?”
“Thirty-four,” she replied.
What's New at
Antioxidant Skin Care: Antiaging at the source of the problem
Antioxidant skin care is one of the newest trends in beauty. That makes sense when you understand that over 90% of the signs of aging are caused by free radical damage. BUT make sure you're using products that actually deliver or you're just wasting your money.
Antioxidant Skin Care
The Best Antioxidant Skin Care Products
Looking for antioxidant skin care products? There are more out there that are completely useless than those that actually do any good. So the odds of you choosing a good one are pretty slim actually...
The Best Antioxidants Skin Care Products
Antioxidants skin care products: you need more than creams
Usually when you talk about skin care, you're talking about things you're putting on your face. But when you're talking about antioxidants skin care products, the most effective way to get the results you're looking for is...
Antioxidants Skin Care Products
Antioxidant Discussion Forums
Create your very own webpage on my site! (Don't worry- you don't need to know anything about how to do it. If you can type, done!) If you have an interesting story to share or have a comment or question about a topic on the site, you can post it right onto the website. Read about how others have been affected by antioxidants, make a comment on someone else's submission or post your own. It's fun. It's free. And you don't have to register for anything.
Click here to post your own story, comment or question.
Nutrition News
Here are links to informative and/or interesting news articles on nutrition...
Progression Of Clogged Arteries Reduced By Soy Proetein In Women Within 5 Years Of Menopause
Vitamin D Deficiency Linked With Airway Changes In Children With Severe Asthma
Communication Between Brain Cells Regulated By Zinc
Enriched Formula Benefits Developing Brain And Heart
Mother's Diet Influences Baby's Allergies
Bisphenol A (BPA) Found In Canned Foods Aimed At Children
Comments? Ideas? Feedback? I'd love to hear from you. Just reply to this zine and tell me what you think!
See you next month...
Good Health to You,
Kristy Russ, BScPharm
Pharmacist and Health Consultant
P.S. Give your body the best nutrition possible. You'll not only feel better now, but you'll also have that quality of life in the future that you've always imagined for yourself. Click here to find out more.