This is the everything-you-need-to-know-to-be-as-healthy-as-possible newsletter, brought to you by Kristy Russ, pharmacist and health consultant. I have close to 20 years experience in helping people improve their health.
I help people get healthy, and more importantly, stay that way so they're not miserable and just slowly dying for the last 20 years of their lives, which IS the "norm" today.
For even more information go to
Well I think it's safe to say that spring has finally arrived! (No joke. Here in the frozen north, anything before mid-June is sketchy.) I'm actually going to move my work outside as soon as I finish this to enjoy the beautiful day. (Again, here in the north you must take full advantage of these days because you never know when the next one may come.)
With warmer weather on the way, I feel the need to remind everyone about the perils of bottled water (and any other bottled beverage for that matter). Read on to find out...
Do You REALLY Know What's In
That Water Bottle?
With warm weather comes more people getting outside and being active, which is awesome. And they're also heeding good advice and keeping hydrated with water- also awesome. My only complaint is their choice of beverage container. I see so many people walking by my pharmacy window drinking water out of the disposable bottle they purchased it in. And I can't even tell you how many people "brag" to me about how they only drink bottled water, implying that it's healthier.
I hate to tell you this, my friends, but you've been duped- bottled water is NOT healthier.
First of all, despite what the bottled water companies would have you think, bottled water is generally NOT "pure". In fact, studies testing bottled water show that contaminant levels vary widely between brands. Some of the brands were no better quality, and sometimes even worse, than tap water. Does that even make sense?
most bottled water (including bottles made for water coolers) is stored in a plastic container containing BPA (bisphenol A.). In the past decade, more than 130 studies worldwide have linked BPA to breast cancer, obesity, early puberty, heart disease, diabetes, and liver abnormalities. Canada banned the use of BPA in baby bottles and infant formulas in 2008, and declared it toxic in 2010. Many states and municipalities in the USA have followed suit or enacted stronger bans; Europe recently banned the chemical in infant products.
Not only does the BPA leach into the water, lots of other toxic chemicals from the plastic get in there too. AND if the plastic gets warm, there's almost more toxins than water in the bottle and you're better off being a bit dehydrated than drinking that water.
Think of how many times you've left your water bottle in your car on a hot summer day- throw that bottle away without even opening the lid! Even when it
cools down, the toxins are still in it- which makes me shudder to think of it being transported to your store in the first place inside the hot box of the truck! (Of course, this applies to all plastic beverage containers- not just water!)
This is the same reason why you should NEVER heat food in plastic containers- but that's another topic for another day...
So what do you do?:
- Get a filter for your tap water (usually the most economical alternative). A reverse osmosis system or distiller is ideal, but a bit more money.
- Get a re-usable water bottle to carry with you. Preferably metal on the inside, but even a good-quality hard plastic is better.
- Use your filtered water for all drinking and cooking.
- Change your filters regularly! (This step often gets forgotten- kinda important ;-)
- Only purchase plastic beverages if you're stuck or if you're in a country with poor quality tap water.
Once you've done that, by all means, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!!!! It IS the beverage of choice that most people don't get enough of.
Another Grateful Customer...
"I have had rheumatoid arthritis for a long time. I was getting methotrexate injections for many years to control the progression of the disease but they were starting to cause problems and making me feel terrible. Plus, I was really worried about the long-term side effects of the injections (of which there are many). So I stopped them.
Within a couple of months, I was so crippled with pain and inflammation in all of my joints that I couldn't even leave my house. I had lost all hope because nothing helped and I had spiralled into depression at the thought that this was what the rest of my life would be like.
I was very skeptical that Kristy's recommendations would help me, but I had nothing to lose and I was desperate. Within 2 months of applying the changes that she recommended, I was back to my old self!
I can't thank her enough for literally giving me my life back and I tell all of my
friends to follow her advice."
Barb L.
Because Laughter Really IS Good Medicine...
How did we get to the point where we're paying for bottled water? That must have been some weird marketing meeting over in France. Some French guy's sitting there, like, 'How dumb do I think the Americans are? I bet you we could sell those idiots water.' -Jim Gaffigan
Remember when water used to come in only one flavor? WET! And yesterday, I am watching my son enjoy himself in the front yard as he cools himself by running through the sprinkler. Great right? Not! He then runs inside to get some bottled water because he was thirsty. What is we gonna do? -Bad Boy
Ever wonder about people who pay $2 for a bottle of Evian? Just spell it backwards...

Comments? Ideas? Feedback? I'd love to hear from you. Just reply to this zine and tell me what you think!
See you next time...
Good Health to You,
Kristy Russ, BScPharm
Pharmacist and Health Consultant
P.S. Discover the secret of "true prevention". You'll not only feel better now, but you'll also have that quality of life in the future that you've always imagined for yourself. Click here to find out more.