This is the everything-you-need-to-know-to-be-as-healthy-as-possible newsletter, brought to you by Kristy Russ, pharmacist and health consultant. I have over 16 years experience in helping people improve their health. I specialize in nutritional medicine, which is the secret of "true" preventative medicine. Yes, if I'm successful in getting people to follow my advice, I will put myself out of a job. For even more information go to
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How to get your body running like a finely tuned machine
In the last issue, you found out that keeping your body healthy is accomplished by giving it all the nutrients it needs. So, if optimal nutrition is the key to good health, how do you go about optimizing your nutrition?
First of all, you DON'T go by Recommended Daily Intakes (RDI). Those are only the minimum amounts of nutrients your body needs to just function. To function optimally, your body needs much higher amounts. For example, the RDI of vitamin D is 200IU - that's just enough to keep you from getting rickett's. I'm sure you've heard about all of the health benefits of vitamin D that have been discovered in the last year- but you need levels MUCH higher than the RDI for these benefits. The optimal amount of vitamin D hasn't even been figured out yet, but it's likely going to be a minimum of at least 1000IU/day. So when you're reading nutrition labels, pay no attention to the % of daily intake of the nutrients (except to note that it has some of that in it).
For those of you thinking you're home free because you already eat a healthy diet, I hate to burst your bubble, but it's not enough. While it's still important to eat well, it's not physically possible to get all the nutrients your body needs to function optimally from diet alone. Really. Even if you eat the perfect diet 24/7 (and who actually does anyway? Show of hands please... yeah, I thought not). You would have to eat so much food, you would be obese, which of course has it's own health problems. For example, the optimal amount of vitamin E is 400IU/day. To get that from food, you would need to eat 33 pounds of spinach (that's over 100 of those pre-washed bags!) or 5 pounds of wheat germ (who even eats that stuff anyway?) or 2.3 pounds of nuts (that's 10 cups!). That's a lot of food- and that's just vitamin E, we haven't even discussed all the other stuff you need.
Don't get me wrong. Eating healthy is still very important (which I will discuss in a future newsletter), but I just want to stress that it's not enough.
So what do you do? You need to supplement your diet with high-quality supplements (that's why they call them that). You have to get the nutrients into your body somehow- that's the best way to do it. I'd like to stress the high quality part of supplements. Unfortunately, MOST(over 90%) of the supplements available are of such poor quality, you may as well not even bother. Seriously. If you are taking a supplement right now, odds are very good that you are literally flushing your money away. How can that be, you ask? Aren't there regulations?
Next e-zine: I will answer that question for you (as well as how to find a high-quality supplement).
In the meantime, to find out more about why you need to supplement,
click here
Because Laughter Really IS Good Medicine...

Tomorrow- Exciting Event in the Edmonton Area...
An Evening of Health Awareness
This is a really fun, hands-on experience to help you improve your health. If you can possibly make it, it'll be worth it. Trust me.
Click here to see the details.
What's New at
1) Antioxidant Discussion Forums
You can now contribute to the website yourself! If you have an interesting story to share or have a comment or question about a topic on the site, you can post it right onto the website. Read about how others have been affected by antioxidants, make a comment on someone else's submission or post your own. It's fun. It's free. And you don't have to register for anything.
Click here to post your own story, comment or question.
2) Type 1 Diabetes Treatment
Find out what you really need to do to treat your diabetes. Unfortunately, medicine focusses on keeping your blood sugars within a normal range- as long as that's being accomplished, you're "treated". As usual, this is just a bandaid solution of treating the symptom rather than the underlying problem.
Click here to learn more
Nutrition News
Here are links to informative and/or interesting news articles on nutrition...
Only 1 In 10 Get Their 5 A Day!
Low Levels Of Vitamin D Linked To Muscle Fat, Decreased Strength In Young People Lifestyle And Diet Still Best Ways To Help Prevent Type 2 Diabetes
Vitamin D Crucial To Activating Immune Defenses
What's Mom's Influence On Baby's Obesity Risk?
Comments? Ideas? Feedback? I'd love to hear from you. Just reply to this zine and tell me what you think!
See you next month...
Good Health to You,
Kristy Russ, BScPharm
Pharmacist and Health Consultant