do antioxidents really expire

by Donna

DO antioxidents really expire?

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Feb 03, 2013
In a word, yes.
by: Kristy Russ

Hi Donna,

Thanks for your question. I assume your question is regarding antioxidant supplements because they actually have an expiry date on the package.

Just like antioxidants that occur naturally in foods (which start losing potency fairly quickly after picking), antioxidants in supplements also degrade over time. For a change, because of the processing, supplements actually have a much longer lifespan than those in naturally occurring foods.

The expiry date basically means that the company has researched their product (hopefully) and they guarantee full potency right up to that date. Past that date, there are no guarantees and degradation tends to follow an exponential decay process. Generally I tell people that more than 6 months past the expiry, you just never know...

Certainly it doesn't hurt to take them past that point, you just never know how much good it's doing.

The time of the expiry will completely depend on the nutrient itself and the quality of the manufacturing.

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