Hypothyroid with depleted potassium, magnesium, & vitamin D

by Tanja


I'm so glad I stumbled across your informative website! I have a slew of health problems, including those mentioned in the "topic" line and I want to reverse these and become healthy again!

I've also battled severe leg swelling with redness so bad in my legs that I look like I've been burnt! I know this is a sign of heart issues, but trust me, I've had complete cardio exams, tests, etc. not once but twice!

I also have CFS and Fibromyalgia now as well, but the kicker is that I just turned 41 two days ago and should NOT be physically broken down like I am!

I really hope you can lead me to the supplements that will help me!

Thank you for taking the time to review this and for reaching out to those of us who need serious HELP taking our health back, as well as have a life again!

Have a great weekend,


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Aug 25, 2013
Those are such common problems...
by: Kristy Russ, BScPharm

Hi Tanja,

Thanks for your interest in my website. Normally, I wouldn't have published your questions as a webpage, just answered you personally, but your issues are so common (minus the leg swelling) that I think it will benefit many to see the answer.

First of all, make sure that you are being treated for your hypothyroid properly. That means insisting that your TSH levels be kept in the low normal range. The normal range is quite large and it has been recently proposed that the top level should actually be lower. Most doctors give enough thyroid to bring the level into "normal" range and consider the person treated, regardless of whether they still have symptoms. Usually the TSH is in the high normal though and so people are chronically mildly hypothyroid.

After many years of this, the other hormones that have been picking up the slack stop working as well, which leads to MANY other issues. It is one of the theories of the cause of chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. So super important to treat this properly.

Second, it's extremely important that you start taking some high quality supplements so that you can correct your deficiencies (extremely common to have all of those). If you read the page that you submitted this comment on (the "Supplements" page), you would have discovered that it's physically impossible to get all the nutrients you need just from your diet- especially if you already have health issues.

The bonus is that when you choose a supplement regimen with the quality and the nutrient amounts like the one I recommend, your body will be able to work the way it was designed to and that will allow it to heal itself. It's really incredible how it can make such a huge difference in someone's health. I would never have believed it possible if I hadn't seen it so many times with my own eyes! More often than not, when the doctors have no idea what the problem is or how to fix it (like your leg issue), taking these supplements clears up the issue.

I will send you an e-mail with the products I recommend for your situation, since I can't use brand names on my site. Of course I can't promise that it will work for you, all I can say is that it has been life-changing for others in similar situations and they're extremely grateful for having these products in their life.

Good Health To You,
Kristy Russ, BScPharm
Pharmacist & Wellness Consultant (& webmaster)

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