Melasma/ pigmentation

by Steve
(Sydney Australia )

Can you please help me? I have melasma or pigmentation on my forehead and around my neck and I cannot seem to get rid of it… While people tell me not to worry about it, it is making me extremely depressed and anxious.

I wear sunscreen every day and have gone through almost a year of Kotjic acid hydroquinone and vitamin C cream twice daily and wear 50+ sunscreen every single day no matter what…

Can you suggest what on earth can I do about it? I obviously would prefer a natural solution!!!!! I wear aloe vera and take vitamin C and zinc every day.

I have had two spinal operations & I am on a number of medications but I don't think this is the cause of it. I definitely think it is sun related…

As you can imagine my life is pretty upsetting without the onset of this… I am 38 years old and this only popped up about two years ago and it is the last thing I need. I'm still pretty young…

Through my dermatologist, I have been told that it is dermal not epidermal so I'm hoping I can have some success with the removal of it? This would make my life so so so much better. I feel very miserable 😞

I hope you can offer some suggestions...

With kind regards,
Sydney Australia

(Note from Kristy...

I'm so sorry Steve, I have no suggestions for you. If hydroquinone and acid peels don't work, I don't know what will. Definitely conitinue with the sunscreen so it doesn't get worse...

I've posted your question to the website in hopes that a reader who has had a similar situation can help you out.

Good luck and here's hoping...)

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Helping Steve
by: Anonymous

Hello- this is in response to Steve. Try vigorously rubbing isopropyl alcohol (on a cotton pad) on a small area (to see if it works) where the pigmentation is. If it works, you will see it rub off in one application. This has worked on several people i know. Best of luck!

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